3 lipca 2011

What we can do in summer?

We can go for a trip ... (children from Jastrzębie - Poland)

The National Dominance And Children’s Day (Turkey)

Easter is not in our traditions.

23 April 1920,the opening day of the first Assembly of the Republic of Turkey.
This day was a gift to children by Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK.
İn April,23 April The National Dominance And Children’s Day celebrated.

Spring salad

Children from turkey are making a salad with spring vegetables.

Spring greens

Children from Turkey are sowing the flowers, garden of their school.

13 marca 2011

First spring flowers

There are some first flowers that we can see in early spring.

March weather

In Poland we have some proverb like "W marcu jak w garncu" - "In March like in pot". You can see what it's mean :)

31 stycznia 2011

12 stycznia 2011

Christmas card to Poland children

Children from Zawiercie and Jastrzębie got poscards from Lithuana, Scotland and Turkey.